How I Got Started With Minimalism

In August 2015, I came across minimalism for the first time and was hooked. I couldn’t get enough, and to be honest, there wasn’t a whole lot out there then. Outside of The Minimalist, I had difficulty finding more content on minimalism. Of those I saw, many were photographers, freelance writers, or travel bloggers, and they prided themselves on owning a set number of items. I enjoy being challenged and thought, “hmm, wonder if I could ever get down to 100 items.” I’ve honestly never thought this was realistic, but it was a fun goal and helped me ruthlessly pair down my possessions.

I had recently moved into my first apartment and enjoyed being on my own. The freedom to have my own space without my family member’s clutter was freeing. I’ve almost always been an organized person. So while I had lots of possessions, it all had a home and was neatly tucked away. Most people wouldn’t believe this about me, but as a young child, my mom used to declutter 10+ garbage bags of junk from my room two times a year. But that’s for another time!

I started decluttering in my closets first, as that seemed like the most accessible place for me since everything was out of sight anyway, so did I really need it? I hope you find this thrilling feeling of letting go as you declutter! I love it! Every day I’d come home from work and tackle a different area. I worked at a rescue mission at the time where we collected donations to be resold in our thrift stores, so it was super convenient for me to drop them off each morning before work started. I wish I had pictures of the endless number of bags I took for donation in hindsight.

I would estimate that I decluttered a third of my possessions in just a few weeks. I got rid of it from books I was never going to read or reread, clothes, shoes, knick-knacks, you name it! I never did count the number of things I had leftover after that initial purge, but it was a lot more than 100! I pictured this very sterile image: white walls, light and airy, one cup, one plate, kind of house. I was so far from that it wasn’t even funny. But I felt a huge weight lifted from me that I didn’t even know was there.

So I invite you to dive in today. Start with your junk drawer, a box of cables and cords, your side tables, or a hall closet. Whatever space you decide to tackle, I promise you’ll feel freer when you’re done!

I’d love to hear from you about your experience! Take before and after pictures and tag me on Instagram, @seekthesimple!