Supporting your clean eating and exercise regimen with supplements and vitamins is a great way to support your body so that every part of it can function the way God designed it to work! 

Part of my wellness and health journey has been figuring out what supplements my body needs for optimal health. This has felt overwhelming to me in the past because I've learned that the majority of our food today doesn't provide the needed nutrients our bodies desire. Our food is grown in soil that has been depleted of vital nutrients and minerals, causing our food to lack a variety of vitamins and health benefits that they once held. 

Start slow. If you order a bunch of supplements and start taking them all at once, you'll likely shock your body and overwhelm your liver, causing your body to express what it cannot use; you'll find yourself flushing your money down the toilet.  

I encourage you to do some research based on some symptoms you have. For example, do you find that you're experiencing frequent inflammation in a specific area of your body? After doing some research, you may find that a turmeric, black pepper, and ginger supplement can help support your body to naturally lower inflammation. 

Another great way to discover what your body is lacking is by working with an Applied Kinesiology (AK) practitioner. Personally, I work with an AK chiropractor who uses a variety of different testing methods to help determine the supplements and herbal remedies my body needs. 

Below are some supplements I currently use, with a summary of why I use them to support my body. 

COMING SOON: Articles and posts on use, benefits, and my experiences. 

Supporting your clean eating and exercise regimen with supplements and vitamins is a great way to support your body so that every part of it can function the way God designed it to work! Part of my wellness and health journey has been figuring out what supplements my body needs for optimal health. This is an affiliate link which means I may earn a commission from your purchase. 

All-in-One, evidence-based alcohol reduction program on your terms to fit your needs! 

Want to drink less or all together? Use neuroscience to reframe your relationship with alcohol and unlock the healthiest, happiest you.

Beauty & Skin

Frownies - Forehead

Non-invasive wrinkle smoothing patches for your forehead and between the eyes. 

Frownies - Eyes & Mouth

Non-invasive wrinkle smoothing patches for the corners of your eyes and mouth. 

Some posts on this page may contain affiliate links.
This means I may earn a commission if you sign up for a program or make a purchase using my link.