Why Reframe?
Part of Seek the Simple’s mission is to help people remove the things in their lives that are keeping them from experiencing abundant life in Christ. For many, consuming alcohol, whether a little or a lot, affects our walk.
Reframe helps you track your habits, gives you daily tips, and provides private community support.
I get asked all the time how I quit drinking over two years ago. It wasn’t easy, and it wasn’t something that happened overnight.
I identified why I didn’t want to keep drinking, made a plan to limit my drinking, failed a few times, started over, and eventually decided that being completely drink-free was actually more aligned with my goals and vision for my future self.
I wish I would have known about the app Reframe when I started my journey. Reframe is an all-in-one, evidence-based alcohol reduction program created by neuroscientists to reframe your relationship with drinking. It’s personalized to your needs and goals because there isn’t a one-size-fits-all model when it comes to you.
There’s abundant life waiting to be lived, so take your first steps. Download the Reframe here and get started today!
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