I was always a kid who wanted to write. But my only concept of writing meant that I would be an author, which never felt right to me. I didn’t imagine myself penning to paper a magical story from just inside my head that I brought to life with a few strokes of the pen.
But I was always writing. I loved office supplies more than barbie dolls. I loved organization, and if there were a common interest among friends, I would organize ourselves into a club with rules, a cool name, and a long-term vision of where we would be next year. All organized and planned out in my Lisa Frank notebook with my new set of gel pens and stickers adorning the margins of the pages.
Unfortunately, most of my friends didn’t have the wherewithal to see my vision through, and we fell apart in weeks. I realize now that other eight-year-olds weren’t thinking about the next hill to take unless, of course, it was the hill we spent hours rolling down behind my elementary school.
While that was frustrating, it was okay because we would find a new opportunity soon enough for new ideas to be born!
I filled the pages in my notebooks with my plans and vision for the club. Where we could be and what we could accomplish; simple ideas; incomplete thoughts, and dreams.
That’s the type of writing I liked. Putting my ideas out into the world in hopes that someone would join me in my venture and contribute to our mission.
As I grew older and entered into English Literature and writing classes, my writing took on a new form in the way of papers. I flourished there. I only recognize now that I longed for structure that provides the right amount of space for me to be creative. I almost always see the world as black and white (you should have seen how I grappled with ideas presented in my college Ethics class years later), but I enjoy the freedom to venture into the gray as I see fit.
When I started this website, I dreamed of consistently bringing you content. I have so many thoughts in my head, and I couldn’t wait to write them down. But I got stuck with the lack of boundaries this opportunity presented. What would I talk about each week? Does anyone even care about what I’m saying? I don’t really have a niche to write in. I have interests all over the place and would love to share numerous ideas, but how does that even work? Does anyone care?
Well, I still don’t know the answer to that question, but I do know that I long to write again, and my prayer is that my writing and this small glimpse into my life and heart will resonate with someone.
If there is something you’d like to hear more about or offer writing suggestions, I would love to hear them! Please send me a direct message on Instagram, @seekthesimple.
If you’re like me and have something in your life that you’re fearful to start, I hope you join me in doing the big thing. Taking the first step. Do it slowly. Or do it quickly. Whatever it is, start.
The blog title, Seek the Simple, is meant to encourage you to seek what is simple in your life. Create routines that make your life easier. Don’t work harder, work smarter — but also keep working hard; you’re doing a great job!
I hope you find my (hopefully somewhat consistent) musings encouraging and informative. In addition, I hope to share tips and tricks I’ve implemented in my life as I journey to Seek the Simple. Thanks for joining me on this adventure! I’m excited to see where we go.