More Than Clutter

When I came across minimalism for the first time I was hooked. You can read more about my discovery of minimalism here. I couldn’t get enough, though, and to be honest, there wasn’t a whole lot out there then. Outside of The Minimalist, I had difficulty finding more content on minimalism. Fast forward to 2022, and there is so much more out there, including general organization tools, thanks partly to Marie Condo and The Home Edit.

According to Merriam-Webster, Minimalism is defined as “a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity.”

My version of minimalism may look very different from whatever image you have in your head right now. I love a good challenge, so when I read articles from minimalists who only have a specific number of items, I often use this as an opportunity to evaluate what I have. I’m not trying to meet or beat their number of items, but to put in perspective how many of those things I own. Sometimes I realize it’s the perfect amount for me that fits my lifestyle, and sometimes it challenges me to really figure out if I need four pairs of hiking socks when I hike, maybe once a year.

If this is your first time reading about minimalism or if you’ve been on the edge of the water for a while and you’re ready to dip your toe in, don’t worry. I won’t give you a specific number of socks you have to own to be a minimalist. While in the beginning, I think there’s value in really looking at what we own and how we use it, but once we get in deeper, it’s really about our mindset and what we deem necessary in our lives.

We tend to give a lot of weight, energy, and time to things that don’t matter to us in the long run. Why is that, though? Perhaps it’s because of something that the celebrity or influencers we follow give a lot of attention to that thing, so we should, too. Or maybe it was a hobby in years past, but you haven’t picked up the item in ages. We outgrow so many things in our lives as we navigate different seasons and too often forget to leave behind the things that no longer serve us.

Most people suggest just tackling one tiny area like your junk drawer or bathroom closet to get started with minimalism. I’m good with that if that’s where you want to start physically, but first, let’s begin with our minds. Take out a notebook, notepad, or just use the notes app on your phone. Whatever it is, just write down your goal for starting your minimalism journey.

If I traveled back to 2015, my goal for starting minimalism would be “to live a more simple life and to let go of the weight of the physical clutter” Ok, honestly, that’s me seven years later, looking back. But in 2015, I probably would have said something like “to get rid of the crap I don’t need.” And hey, I’m ok with both responses! Whether it’s seven years later, older and wiser Maria’s version of my 2015 goal, or the desperate for change 2015 Maria, this is what got me started!

Take some time to think through your goal or your WHY. Why did you search for the word minimalism? What prompted you to want to live with less? Whatever your WHY, write it down somewhere so you can come back to it often.

Now write down what you think is holding you back from your WHY.

Maybe you’re like my good friend who wants her home to be warm, welcoming, and inviting. A place where her kids’ friends want to hang out, and honestly a place where she wants to hang out, but she feels like she’s drowning in junk, and her home decor doesn’t fit her current style at all. She’s so overwhelmed that she doesn’t know where to start!

Or perhaps you’re like a family member of mine who struggles with anxiety, and physical clutter is a trigger, but she lives with other people and has no control over what they do with their stuff (in common living areas).

So let’s get started. Once you identify your WHY and what’s holding you back, you’ll have done some of the most challenging work when approaching minimalism as you determine your barriers.

Now, what can you do to overcome the barriers? There’s no one-size-fits-all and no perfect answer, but it’s already in you, whatever the answer is! Whether it’s a conversation you need to have with family members about respecting common space or your space, or if you need to just start with your junk drawer or linen closet, just start!

Let me know your WHY! I’d love to walk this journey with you! Please shoot me an email at, or even better, take some before and after pictures of where you start and tag me on Instagram; @seekthesimple!